The End Of One Era
mercedo's Journal (2554)
2006.01.30 9:04
Does someone tell me why 'old.'
Biggest Investment Ever
2006.01.30 7:09
If I bought gold or silver, the value of these metal would never change as time passes, therefore it's precious. Knowledge is, on the other hands, once acquired, these turn to wisdom after some time.
My largest investment went into acquiring knowledge from a book in my early twenties. I invested millions of time doing so, now it's time I got reward from them. I'm sure I will.
Personally speaking, I like silver though. I like the touch of it and its eternity. When I was reading Bible, I often encountered the description of silver, I used to watch my marriage ring again and again then imagined if part of my ring come from the same silver in biblical times.
Coin In Use
2006.01.29 8:12
I don't like to use coins for speculation, and gamble, but only for investment. I didn't flip a coin.
In Search Of New Energy
2006.01.29 8:11
I think there's a very different history, background behind what power plant we favour in Japan or Europe and USA. As was the same in the situations of other countries, Japanese government twenty years ago were very enthusiatic about building new nuclear power plants one after another. As a result of this policy, many new plants were built and planned. You see Japan is very populated in this tiny island, people were afraid of nuclear disaster as Chernobyl, and Three Miles Island. As we anticipated, a number of incidents occurred, fortunately none of them was as serious as Chernobyl, but some workers died and nuclear agency had to spend millions of tax to compensate them and clean the nuclear contamination as well.
Now governemnt as well as people are just fed up with building new facilities. That doesn't pay. Many new plans have been abandoned so far for these fifteen years.
Nuclear power was based on a revolutionary idea but nuclear power plant was based on an obsolete idea. The true nuclear power can be generated in a small chamber, not a factory. The key is 'E=MC2', one of good examples of utilising new energy is the recent development of fusion battery. We have to concentrate our wisdom on the issue.
Homo Belligerence
2006.01.29 8:08
It has been thought to be a riddle for humans to be unable to find relatives of ourselves. In the case of many other animals, there are many kins around them. So some scientists tried to explain this mystery by assuming a missing link from humans to apes. -There must be a primate that hasn't found yet.
I am not particularly a proponent of this theory, though, I support a huge chasm in genetics between humans and apes. My supposition is that humans were so belligerent that they killed almost all kins genetically closer to humans. We were indeed homo belligerence.
Unmanned Weaponry
2006.01.29 8:05
This news reminds me the deployment of unmanned battle vehicle [] in Iraq one year ago. It was experimental, so the number of the machines were few.