mercedo's Journal (2554)
2006.01.25 8:56
Related to Old Glaciers On Mars
the researchers have concluded it was snow blowing in from the poles that caused the ice buildup previously.-zogger
I felt chilly. Japan was hit this winter by unprecedented quantity of snowfall, and they say the snow was directly from the North Pole.
I hope this is not a prelude to Mars now.
2006.01.25 7:20
When Era of Tsin Dynasty, scholars from Europe demonstrated that the very complicated Chinese writing system (about 5000 ideograms) can be transliterated in the combination of only 26 characters. Chinese ruler at that time was just amazed to see them.
Technically speaking, transliteration from very complicated ideograms into simplified phonetic characters is possible, but because of the habit, custom, bad? tradition, we are still using that very clumsy writing system.
Again technically, English writing system can be transfigured into the combination of 0 and 1 as in computer. Morse signal is also based on this idea.
As to the logics of language, both English and Chinese are very logical language. That's why both find so many users.
Money Game
2006.01.25 7:15
Under the current system in the Internet, if you have $10, you can buy up to $100 worthy of shares. If the stock you bought rose up to $2000, that is 20 times as much as you invested, you can get $2000. As opposed to this success example, if you lost $100, you would end up owing $100 in debt.
He succeeded this money game. He came to be very rich through making the most of this strange system. This speculative game might have produced millions of fortunes, only in figure. Still many business people believe figure is everything. Probably figure (flow economy) reflects part of the truth but not all. What percent? Depending on who you are.
After Mr Horie was arrested, the share of his company is skydiving. He's never returned any part of his huge profit to his 20,000 shareholders, mostly individual ones who dreamed a high return. The heart of the investers were broken twice.
Trust is more important than money.
No Elixir
2006.01.25 7:01
Aspirin is a very common drug, and more and more the drug turns out to be one of the most applicable drugs to many other diseases. However, always careful clinical trials by patients as many as possible is required, since there's no elixir in our world.
2006.01.25 6:59
They are asking how we pronounce the word 'tomato'. I guess many Americans pronounce like toe may toe. In my country toe mah toe. Main pronounciation differs according to the region we live, so geography in title.
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