Thursday, December 29, 2005

Caught Up

mercedo's Journal (2554)
The Shield Of Electron
2005.12.28 8:42

This layer might be harmful to both spacecraft and its crews but at the same time more importantly this protects us from having unfavourable bio attacks from outer space. This is a shield of protection that has been keeping on nurturing our life system on the Earth.

A Magic Of Figure
2005.12.28 8:40

If 200 people were killed almost instantly after they were caught by avian flu, and all were healthy adult, and if 30000 people were dead after long struggle against the regular flu they caught and all were babies or elderlies, what are we supposed to think? Shouldn't we think that avian flu is more dangerous than regular flu?
Aids is contageous disease, if we paid great attention not to have contact with Aids patients especially in sexual way, we would not be likely to catch the disease. If we carefully evade having BSE contaminated beefs, we could greatly reduce the possibility of suffering from CJD. Aids and CJD are preventative, whether we caught them depends largely for our part.
However, avian flu is not preventative once it should spread, besides it can be transmissable through common birds.
We ought to try to find ways to suppress the disease in case it should be about to spread.

2005.12.28 7:11

When Commodore Perry came to Japan with 4 Black Ships in 1853, the population of speakers of Japanese language was larger than that of English speakers. 250 years later, the number of English speakers was by far more exceeding than that of Japanese speakers, probably more than ten times. That shows apparent generality of English.
The number of people this land can nourish was so limited and won't exceed than current 130 million, thinking of the future of this country, English has to be the first public language, this is the way our country survive in coming century.

Handle With Care
2005.12.28 7:08
Back in my high teens at age 15 - in early 1980s, I found yoga very effective to reach personal achievements of any kinds, but when I told about it to one of my classmates, he strongly refused to accept my advice. At that time still yoga was a pronoun of mysticism, and few books were dedicated to practical use. I mean many books were written in mystic way.
Time goes by sometime after I experienced yoga, people had gradually started admitting its effectiveness in their daily health care. I guess it was ten years later after I encountered it in first.
Yoga develops completely new perspective in our daily life, I hope it has to be dealt with extreme care.

Poison To Poison
2005.12.28 7:05

It's hard for us to tackle with influenza since they vary as time goes by. Back to Tamiflu, this one never show changes according as the influenze changes its character, type, shape. As to function, influenza is more advanced form than Tamiflu. New drug must vary in function according to the changes of the type of influenza, I believe new drug need to change its effectiveness along with the variation of flu. Variable flu in type to variable drug in effectiveness.

2005.12.24 8:04

From the university I graduated about 30% students went to goverment. I admit they worked very hard. But all of them had no sprit of criticism. They were not critical of established way of evaluation. As a matter of fact, they all counted for only little for me.
About 66.6% went to private companies, almost of all were big, well-known companies like Matsushita, Sony, Toyota, NTT, KDD, etc. but almost of all never learned in their college life, they were even worthy of any evaluation, they were even less valuable than government people. They were people much less charming, attractive. They were just very ordinary people.
Less than 3% people started business on their own. They were individualistic, ambitious, they never rely on anyone but themselves. Almost of all were a holder of aspirant, favourable character.
Less than 1% people would have been regarded as genius, but I had never met a genius in my college life.
Google is superior to Yahoo! in analytical sense while Yahoo! is more valuable in integral sense. Both search engines have unique characters on their own. I have no idea what Japanese ordinary business people dared to think of novel search engines other than Google and Yahoo!, though, one thing I can say definitely was that they were supposed to learn more back in their college life. It is their freedom to say something bold, but I tell you they know few.
American guys, please never hold any illusion. Almost all Japanese never accomplish other than what they were told to do.

2005.12.24 8:01

Today in Beppu -the biggest hotspring in Japan, while workers were diging on the road for some construction purposes, small explosion occurred, it seemed operating some machine caused fire into the natural gas leakeage abruptly emitted from the ground. It took several hours to extinguish, and still they have to keep on watering in order not to fire again. Fortunately nobody's hurt The activities of the Earth's underground is connected, though it was too local to appear in English news.
While I was just listening to TV, I came across the news, it was short and local. That is, I didn't watch the scene in TV. I didn't look for the source in the Internet before posting this comment.
If I were able to find a good link in Japanese language with picture, I would like to post it in
In general there are tens of thousands of news in Japanese in which only a part of them would be electronicised in the Internet in Japanese and/or translated into English news, consequently only main news in Japan appears in the Internet in English. If I found interesting domestic news and photos in the Internet, I would like to link to them with my explanation in English, though you were unable to understand the language -a sheet of picture tells a lot. We will even have more top listings in other media.
Strikingly similar incident occurred in a different place but similar latitude here in Japan almost simultaneously. A City of Oita is located internationally famous hotspring paradise Beppu and since this July the hotspring boring has been conducted in the field of Nakasone Hospital with the hope to find a good hotspring to make money essentially. But instead of finding a hotspring, they just find a natural gas leakeage and the fire in sequence.
At 8:30 a.m. on the 12th of December, as was usual the workers started operating the boring machine, for still unidetified reasons a fire started at the site by igniting the natural gas methane that abruptly erupted from a gap of the diametre 54 mm pipeline that dug into 370 m under the ground within a diametre 80 mm pipeline that dug into 800 m under the ground. At the beginning of the prior small explosions, they had 5-6 metre high fire columns. After 9 hours the fire was put down but the leakeage of methane and vapour had been there. Before 4 o'clock p.m. on the 14th of December, gas leakeage was put down by injecting mud water into the smaller pipeline, it took 55 hours after the fire.
I watched the scene in the local news, it was like a burnt small oil rig or well, shaft. I was unable to find a photo, though here is the link [] in Japanese. Probably you can only confirm the figures I mentioned above.

Peaceful Use for Giant Jerry Fish
2005.12.24 7:54
Usually in this season of the year -winter, we can see handful of giant jerry fish on the beach, usually 1 per 100 metres on the long (15 km) beach near here. There are many jerry fish at sea that appears after 15th of August every year. We can't enjoy swimming at sea for this reason in the late summer. I we were bit, the ichiness lasts for 7 or 8 years - I am the one who used to be bit by this behemoth, still I feel itchy for the wound I had several years ago, so keep away from contacting this sea animal. There are possibly three ways for utilisation. First one is for food, and the second is its poison -strong alchaloid called tagecine, which might be utilised for medical purposes. The last one would be for energy. Some giant jerry fish are known for generating electricity, the ampare is so small but the bolt is very strong. We might be able to make use of it for energy by collecting these creatures in a pool, etc.

Eight Horns
2005.12.24 7:51

Roche generated Tamiflu was based on the lengthy study how to make use of one of the Chinese medicines or additives for food -this is long believed to be effective to some form of cold, the name of it is Eight Horns. To have it directly does not prevent someone from having a cold but just feel excited, but the company extracted, concentrated the effective ingredients and made into pills and now this medicine is regarded as one of the most effective medicines for flus. There are many beliefs not only in the East but anywhere in the world. But to collect these information, utilise them and invent a new drug is a totally different thing. West overcame East.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Global Warming, Regional Cooling

Global Warming, Regional Cooling
2005.12.20 10:41
The current regional cooling here in Japan has much to do with global warming.
The overcomsumption of fossil fuel comes up with lots of carbon dioxide and that forms a strata in upper atmosphere. The strata eventually causes a greenhouse effect. For this effect, lots of evaporation occurs in tropical or subtropical sea and makes thick clouds and a part of them that moved to the Arctic region forms a very cold system with lots of precipitation in it in a form of snow. Current very cold system is thought to be directly from the Arctic region. Thus global warming incurs regional cooling.

Monday, December 19, 2005 Journals So Far III

mercedo's Journal (2554)
First Submission -Accepted
2005.12.19 7:49

I made a first submission and luckily enough it was accepted. Thank you very much for those who concerned, especially zogger who encouraged me to submit the articles. I would like to submit if I found a good article worthy of submitting.
My point in the article was,
We tend to seek for the cause of the incidents only in the limited area the incidents occurred. Probably many cases are solved within surrounding areas but some of them would be unable to be solved only in the area. In the case of atomosphere, usually global thinking is common, but when it comes to geyser, methane eruption, it is relatively hard for us to seek for global cause, from through the crust, mantel, since they are not so common as the atomosphere.
And last of all, thanks for the moderator whoever you are, whenever I opened the site I was obliged to see my Karma, previously that was -1. Now I didn't have to feel this uneasiness, and again I feel responsible. I ought not to post a comment that easily invites moderation down.
I am pround of my article's being accepted. I would like to keep on being a good contributer as ever. Thank you very much.

Not Only Pulitzer
2005.12.14 9:20

But also Nobel Prize, Kyoto Prize, too possible. More and more the source of news, journals, lengthy readings would be only inclined to the Internet. So Slashdot, Technocrat. net will be definitely the most prosperous candidate of not only the Pulitzer but also Nobel Prize. I'm not sure they will be awarded in the Nobel Prize for literature, but they are certainly worthy of receiving a Nobel Peace Prize. The end of the culture of paper is nigh.

2005.12.14 7:41

Everything changes. -The pivot of self revolution of the Earth varies, the North & South poles also changes. The more our land is near to the North Pole, the more the temperature goes down. Sporadic climate change would perhaps occur.

Human Wisdom
2005.12.14 6:38

Roughly speaking, in macrocosm the law of relativism rules and in microcosm the quantum theory rules and here in our daily life the law of gravity rules. We have to apply completely different rules than here to invent an eternal engine. Strictly speaking there's no such engines but there must be an extremely efficient energy that is replaceable our dependency to fuel energy. I hope human wisdom will prevail beyond the limitations of our realms of living.

2005.12.14 6:23

Robot is a characterisation of machines, cars could be a robot if we thought lights as eyes and wheels as arms and legs, and I am opposed to give them too much credence since machines are just machines. However they oftentimes show more accurate evaluation and decision than humans. Above all they are impartial, so I like them.

Digital Devide
2005.12.14 6:18

Digital devide between Korea and Japan has been increasing very rapidly. Reason 1; Japan is urbanised but Korea is much more urbanised than Japan, and concentration of population to urban area is very conspicuous. 2; They use Korean alphabet-Japanese don't have an alphabet, which makes more suitable to getting access to computers.

$4.67 Per Gallon In Japan
2005.12.13 8:44

When Katrina hit the USA, we had a report that USA was unable to produce enough oil to sustain their people's need only in their land because it hit many refinery plants especially located in the Gulf region.
US government asked us to export part of oil stored off the coast mainly for the preparation of emergency energy crisis in Japan. Japan is one of the strongest allies of USA, of course our government agreed to help them. I am not sure whether Japan really exported out of its stored oil. All amount of stored oil is for 210 days of all domestic consumption in Japan, I mean it's less than one year.
According to the article, not $1.75 but $2.57 per gallon in California. Here in Japan also creeping inflation of the price of oil is in progress, it's $1.23 per littre, that is $4.67 per gallon (One gallon is approximately 3.8L).

A Taste of Colour
2005.12.13 8:41

Can humans taste fat? For what reasons? I can hardly find the benefit of being able to taste the fat. If our tongue can detect whether the fat is good for our body, it might be helpful. Probably in appetite more concerned, colour might be another factor for our taste. Interestingly the colour of foods forms an important part of our appetite. We can taste bitter, sweet, sour, salty, umami (glutamate) and 'colour' as well.

2005.12.13 8:38

Lichen -as if it were the Earth that keeps on floating in space with intricate symbiosis within it.

Clinical Trials
2005.12.13 8:33

It is very much needed to have the complete clinical trials before the application to the disease, in this 'Statins' case, the effectiveness of this medicine to certain diseases does not automaticially mean it is also effective to other diseases.
R&D of new drugs is sure to cost a lot more than the application of older drugs.
Application of older drugs to other diseases is more cost-effective, therefore, researchers ought to spend a lot of time and money for clinical trials thoroughly.

Phenomenon Is Prior To Theory
2005.12.13 8:30
We have inevitably theoretical boundary-our physics is three-dimentional, at best four. On the contrary, we've got lots of inexplicable phenomenon first before we reached some theory afterwards to be able to explain these strange- hard to explain- phenomenon in existing theories. Phenomenon is always prior to theory. We have to put the higher value as to how to find the phenomenon that's worth being evaluated under the light of reason thereafter.

This Is Reality
2005.12.12 5:18

Europe and America have been very much suffered from BSE issues, the bird flu appeared in the first place in Asia, part of Canada, then Europe. Japan has been suffered from both cases -from BSE, bird flu, not only those diseases but other livestock related diseases -mouth&foot disease is also a potential threat. Our economic growth always has to take those threats into account.

Envision, Perspective, Panorama

Envision, Perspective, Panorama
2005.12.12 5:16

I'm Japanese and clearly I can tell what lacks in Japanese, that's envision, perspective, panorama. They are excellent in precise technic, but they always show severe lack of whole image in space technology. As was usual, they failed to see forest while always kept on glaring at details.

Asteroid Research (Score:2)
by AB3A (reversethis-{ten.tsacmoc} {ta} {a3ba}) on 2005.12.12 7:48 (#9837) User #2283 Info Last Journal: 2005.10.07 11:17
Maybe this is a cultural thing, but I have to hand it to JAXA, they chose one incredible feat. Failure in this case is nothing to be ashamed of, since nobody's ever done this before. Gosh, even we USians screw up when doing what we've done before --like sending surveyor space craft to Mars. Some day, when the big picture is well known, the Japanese industrialists will clean up on the world market by selling inexpensive spacecraft with excellent attention to detail. This seems to be the way things go. Here in the US, few pay much attention to detail. We suffer from too many idiots trying to tell us what the Big Picture looks like. Few are interested in the hard detail work. There is a happy medium somewhere. It would be cool if both nations found it...--
Look Ma! No Brains!
[ Reply to This Parent ]
Re:Asteroid Research (Score:0)
by mercedo on 2005.12.12 10:35 (#9840) User #2554 Info Last Journal: 2005.12.19 7:49
There is a happy medium somewhere. It would be cool if both nations found it...
Yeah, that's a very good idea.--
Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers Users

Magnitude, Epicentre, Richter Scale

Magnitude, Epicentre, Richter Scale
2005.12.12 5:13

We just had an earthquake here in Fukuoka this year. Magnitude shows the strength of the earthquake, and where the epicentre of the earthquake -whether it is in the midst of the city or off the shore, and Richter scale- that indicates the degree of destruction, are also important as well. To know magnitude accurately is the very beginning of the first step to know how the earthquake is and we know how beneficial if the early warning system will be well arranged.

Sea Monsters

Sea Monsters
2005.12.12 5:08
It is little known -I think, that Godzilla was an ancient creature combined with gorilla and whale, and woke up after the extra exposure of nuclear-radiation. Give me the advantage of Japanese, the term Godzilla is made up with gorilla plus kudzilla( whale in Japanese )thus Godzilla. Behemoth in Bible is thought to be whale those days, in ancient times we must have been able to find more sea monsters than now.
However, it is widely known to amongst Japanese that Godzilla is an imaginary creature of gorilla & whale combined. Probably creator's comment is right, that guy must be as strong as gorilla &as big as whale then his nickname was 'Gojira' around him.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Simultaneous Eruption

Simultaneous Eruption
posted by zogger on 2005.12.15 14:44
-->mercedo writes "In Kingfisher, Oklahoma, a number of eruption of geysers appeared abruptly these few days.
Strikingly similar incident occurred in a different place but similar latitude here in Japan almost simultaneously. A City of Oita, located near the internationally famous hotspring paradise Beppu, and since this July the hotspring boring has been conducted in the field of Nakasone Hospital with the hope of finding a good hotspring to make money essentially. But instead of finding a hotspring, they just find a natural gas leakeage and the fire in sequence.
"At 8:30 a.m. on the 12th of December, as was usual the workers started operating the boring machine, though the direct causes were not so sure a fire started at the site by igniting the natural gas methane that abruptly erupted from a gap of the diametre 54 mm pipeline that dug into 370 m under the ground within a diametre 80 mm pipeline that dug into 800 m under the ground. At the beginning of the prior small explosions, they had 5-6 metre high fire columns. After 9 hours the fire was put down but the leakeage of methane and vapour had been there. Before 4 o'clock p.m. on the 14th of December, gas leakeage was put down by injecting mud water into the smaller pipeline, it took about 55 hours after the fire.
I watched the scene in the local news, it was like a burnt small oil rig or well, shaft. I was unable to find a photo, though here is the link in Japanese. Probably you can only confirm the figures I mentioned above."

Monday, December 12, 2005 Journals So Far II

mercedo's Journal (2554)
Some Consideration
2005.12.11 22:33
Drugs are poison and medicine at the same time. Drugs themselves are located beyond the judgement of good and evil but once we failed to apply, it would invite the aftermath beyond our imagination.
It takes huge cost to develop new medicines, instead it cost much less just to find what disease to apply. That oughtn't necessarily to be reduced to the matter of cost though, it is a reality.,p. Aspirin is confirmed to be one of the most effective medicines ever and there has been no significant side effect on this medicine. But remember there are some cases some medicine turned to be both harmful and beneficial depending on being applied to the kinds of diseases. We need lots of clinical tests when we tried to apply some medicines to other diseases. Any way it's supposed to cost a lot as well.

Questionable Effectiveness &Application
2005.12.11 22:30
that extracts hydrogen directly from water using only solar energy.
I still doubt the effectiveness of this technic, in space how to apply and how cost effective in space for what?
The University of Tokyo is a national university, they are using millions of out taxes, I want them to do R&D in a field more explicable to anyone.

A Moment Of Evolution
2005.12.11 22:21
This society has been led by 3% of elite and 97% of the rest of the non-elite, in the case of DNA also that is corresponding to 3% of those who hold perfect hereditary information and 97% of the rest of those who don't hold hereditary information.
Some call them 'junk' but actually they have been waiting to be replaced in case of gene defects in a position elite DNA has been occupied. When they are replaced, we call it a moment of evolution.

Riddles of Human Life Span
2005.12.11 22:20
We only knew humans who lived near one millennium in Genesis, and after four hundred years from the last description of Genesis, human life came to be such as that of current humans.
Something terrible related to making human life span short in these four hundred years occurred.
Another perspective. The expansion of human life span doesn't help population problem. Or make worse. We have to solve this population problem - how to nourish this large population first.

2005.12.11 22:17
Few years ago new type pneumonia SARS -sever acute respiratery syndrom was found among Chinese in China sporadically and later cases of bird flu started to be reported among south east Asia. At that time we hadn't decided whether two incidents were related each other. Since then here in Japan, cases of bird flu were reported occasionally in different parts of Japan, all infected chickens were terminated and still we haven't found the patients of new type pneumonia. We are still arguing whether bird flu is transmissable to humans.
This news was new to me. If it were true, bird flu is in general transmissable to humans. That could kill this large population. In Asia public hygiene remains to be higher priority.

Searched By Score
2005.12.11 8:08
Yahoo!, Google, msn, there are some search engines in every day use, but still I'm not sure what criteria they are using. The number of links? The number of access? Both are not so bad, but sometimes I find some are based on the differences in what computer language was used. In using some computer languages, the sites are easier to extract and more practical to use. In this case regardless of the number of links, access, there are some sites that tend to appear first.
Among many other search engines, slashdot is the best, since they are generated in order by score. The serach engine that evaluates the value of contents in score -that's finest.

We Call Them By Number
2005.12.11 7:55
When Katrina hit the Gulf area in America, we were joking, because the number of hurricane hit in the area was few, you could count them as human's names. But 21 is still very many, it would be clumsy to call each as Nancy, Tom, Jane, Mike, and so on. Alpha is better since all we have to do is just define the hurricane. In the case of my country, we call them -typhoons by number. We usually have 30 typhoons in a year.
To call them Greek alphabet -alpha, beta, gumma is still too stylish and scholastic -it is like a radiation, I think No.1, 2, 3 .. is just fine and enough

Limitless Human Resources
2005.12.11 7:49
Fusion battery -aka fuel cell will be the next most prosperous alternatives for fossil fuel. It will take a little bit time to materialise the theory Einstein reached - E=mc2, it is worth while for us to work for it.
The weakness of gravity would be explicable from extra-dimension hypothesis, but unfortunately this hypothesis cannot explain why gravity is so weak. This human assessment was made in this dimension, if it were made in extra-dimension, the result would be definetely different from what we did in our dimension.
We might as well say that the existence of gravity itself is a riddle. Under the influence of different gravity, time line varies each other. -In the moon and the Earth, the timeline varies 'relatively' each other, that's what theory of general relativism tells us. These assessments were made in 3 dimensions -where we see and certified under the theorem of general relativism, so this theory seems valid to explaining 'why gravity is so weak?' But if we all were put under the influence of 4 dimensions -existing 3 plus time, are we able to assess the same conclusion as we did in 3 dimensions? The answer is probably 'no'. Since our wisdom is limited in the 3 dimensions, in 4 dimensions there would be probably other theorems valid and applied to the ones who are in 4 dimensions. It is already taken for granted that the gravity indicates the difference in different dimensions since Einstein. But it is just the result of theoretical consistency from the perspectives of 3 dimensions. The rest of the assessment from more than 3 dimensions belongs to still unknown realm.

Leave it to Natural Selection
2005.12.10 8:43
This attempt has been widely held among not only botanists but zoologists. By and large to keep the diversity of spieces is against the law of natural selection. If given environment were simplified, the existing spieces tend to get more simplified. If given environment were diversified, they are likely to get more diversified. This is just a result of adaptation of life. There are only one rule for it. -Let it be.

Psedo-Academic Misconception
2005.12.10 8:41
These types of simplified dichotomy often leads to a misconception resulting from the differences in our racial background, in which I feel dubious there are. I admit there are general temperaments among different peoples, but that general temperament does not tell the difference among people well. I've got lots of friends whose like-minded over the differences of our national background.
Difference between peoples -it's neither interesting nor useful.

History of Books
2005.12.10 8:39
Several thousands years ago the Ten Commendments were written down on the stone, in Mesopotamia cuneiform was invented to write down the letter on the clay, in Indas civilisation many clays were found with still unknown letters, Rosetta stone was a clue for us to use stones to write down the letters.
Later papyrus was found to make paper, but we had to wait another 1500 years till Gutenberg invented the printing technic. Then the book in current form had been gradually established, till then goat skin had been used and the roles were general, the technic of binding, printing were only developed later.
We must say the history of books is not so long as we might resume.
We used to write a letter in paper with a pen. Now we rarely do so. Library used to refer to only building that contains lots of books, now that also means collection of contents in computer.

2005.12.10 8:38
#Software Patents
As long as this article tells us, yes. However this agreement has a lot of loopholes, and it's just a gentlemen agreement. Still only upper class believes software patents protectable, but in reseacher levels, more and more it's dubious for them to be able to keep the software patents.

It was a little bit sad to read that the cloud was originally devised for notification purposes in case of emergency leaking of polluted chemical materials. Always human wisdom has been trying to get over the unwelcomed situations.

Will That Matters
2005.12.09 7:01
When we swim, we use all arms and legs, not just only two arms. When our ancesters landed from the sea, they must have used all arms and legs first, then only later when they had gotten accustomed to moving, they learned to use only two parts of the body - legs. When our ancesters wanted to fly, they must have used all four arms and legs, and only later when they had gotten accustomed to flying over the sky, they just stopped using two parts of their body -legs. Everything is a matter of will, when there is a will, there is a way.

2005.12.09 6:59
#Sword With Two Edges
In the near future, almost all financial transactions will be done with in the Internet. But I hope I want to spend $10 instead of $100 for buying a book or rather downloading an e-book. The Internet has to invite cheaper and more accesible society. Otherwise it can turn to be an uncontrollable tool.

Thanks to many friends here and there elsewhere, my notion as to OSS I previously held has been changing a lot, now I feel this movement is a kind of great experiment in the Internet world. I understand many companies have been trying to adopt the sysyem as you mentioned above, how about Microsoft? You let me know the existence of incubator club before. I can't believe this giant company is just opposing to this movement

the Internet is a kind of great experiment of the F/OSS movement -lars
As if I were able to open the new perspective before me.

No Title
2005.12.09 6:49
It's Not Always Good For Anyone. The problem is always how to take these compounds in. If they smoke, they fulfil their right to take them in, but that infringes somebody's right not to take them in. If they take these compounds HU-210 or synthetic THU in their body in the form of pill or capsule, that's fine.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Four Journals

mercedo's Journal (2554)
Shield of Water
2005.12.07 6:11
When I got married in the past and the name of the marriage ring we bought was acquascutum, literaly shield of water, water shield is so strong that can keep from anything. If so it stands to reason that water can repel water.

2005.12.07 6:09
One journalist was the first Japanese to travel space in the invitation of former Soviet Union some fifteen years ago. Now more and more Japanese have been participating in a space program of USA, probably some ten astronauts. It is no wonder if another Japanese were invited by Russia, and unlike China that can develop manned spacecraft on its own, Japan has to heavily rely on other superstate.

One Analysis of OSS Currents
2005.12.07 5:57
Yes, it is very beneficial to users, but no, it is less profittable to companies.
Knowledge has to prevail, should be liberated from the handful of cronies to the general public, but sometimes a theory of companies go against the benenit of ordinary users.
Also unification to the common open source software shows vulnerability to the system itself. Open source software is convenient to use, but at the same time hinders us from innovating other software regardless of whether it is more convenient or not. The feature of capitalism lies in its allowing many other alternatives to show up in a market, all these flowers are not substitutes for others but they themselves are one and only, unique one.

Reason of Share Decline
2005.12.07 5:54
I think more than one-tenth fall of total share of that company has something to do with its relying on OSS in some of its product (Shipment of computers, with Apple's OS X, was also up. OS X uses many F/OSS components and utilities, many from the GNU project in particular.) In general, those companies who has succeeded in developing new technologies tend to be evaluated much more in the stock market. There's a difference between private companies use OSS and public institutes like goverment -local, national whatever do.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Technocrat. net Journals So Far

mercedo's Journal (2554)
Climate Change in Amazon
2005.12.05 6:06
It's very unusual since the Amazon is located at the midst of tropical rain forest climate zone. The Amazon is supposed to take pride in its abundand water in quantity. Climate change is so unpredictable as the Amazon is.
As to the cause of climate change -deforestation, major deforestation took place in the earliest civilisations first. Then after Europeans colonised America, another major deforestation took place. The third wave has been in progress in the developing countries. And the countries already exploited are opposing to the move.

Future Map
2005.12.05 5:52
Our country lies adjacent to China -big state, historically speaking our country has been subject to very strong Chinese influence especially in culture, so I must say still 70% of Japanese culture are consisted of Chinese in basis. Its population, territory, along with its culture, history, almost everything is surpassing our country. In the day China surpass EU in R&D or something, Japan will be diminishing its role in international scene.
In the long history of its own, China has never lost a sense of balance. So I rely on the future map of Asia. It is very pleasurable to see the healthy expansion of the country in the region.

2005.12.05 5:50
Prediction always occurs before something is invented, usually SF writers, distinguished philosophers predict what they thought it convenient if we acquired. Some are realised then they were thought forerunners or something. But many others still remained to be unrealised. Prediction is not difficult, what's difficult is invention.

Life Science
2005.12.04 22:18
Is there any difference in cloned animals and genetically modified crops in way of thinking in production? How about relationship with monsodium glutamate?
I see, so you think a cloned organism is safer than genetically modified crops because clone is a copy of that already existed- usually identical or excellent one, and genetically modified one was not that already existed -therefore their effect is unknown to the environment?
Our biotechnology has been enabled us to produce varirty of food products mainly in fermentation, now we've been opening the gate to crops and meats to ensure obtain good and enough supply of food. I mean we are not supposed to rule out the way to obtain foods in utilising biotechnology simply because those are unknown to us.

Japan's Space Technology -Behind the Times
2005.12.04 22:10
I must say Japan's spacecraft technology still leaves much to be desired. In consistency and accuracy, this country is located behind the times.
China. No, no I mean I'm not sure who to compare. Japan is one of the leading industrial countries -in cars, TVs, robotics, but when it comes to space industry as well as aircraft industry sure the counry is still behind the times.
Japan always show sophisticated technic in using micro technology-in other words, software , but as to macro technology -in other words, hardware, they typically show their lack of comprehension, besides they lack perspective, philosophy, overall understanding as to the meaning of space use, in short, they lack the macrocosm of space technology. This is a sytematic problem, and it's sad though hard to cure so easily in two or three decades.

Uranium Matters
2005.12.04 21:51
From several sources, theoretically speaking, both Germany and Japan might have had a nuclear weapon. But both countries hadn't got most important material -uranium. 50 years ago -in Ningyotoge here in Japan the nuclear agency dug uranium but it didn't take so much time to realise the uranium was not good enough in quality to produce nuclear arms.

Learn From Precedents
2005.12.04 21:48
New Orleans have never had such a flood. She has to learn from the good examples of the cities in Old Contients like Amsterdom and Venice. The turmoil of this time only shows the lack of experience, if she had learned a lot from this time hardship, she will be rebuilding the nicest city furthermore.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

This is a demonstration of size of characters.

Friday, December 02, 2005

We Humans

Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in mercedo's LiveJournal:
Saturday, December 3rd, 2005
5:35 am
We HumansWe humans are multilateral. Not only made from one aspect but many, this is a sheer fact, not a fabricated story.

Livejournal Entries So Far

Journal of mercedo [Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]
Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in mercedo's LiveJournal:
Wednesday, October 19th, 2005
1:57 am
Other BarsWe used to have only one foeigner's bar - that is 'International Bar' in 1980s, next one was 'Bollox' which was only open on Saturday nights weekends. Then in early 1990s we had 'The Big Apple' at the midst of Oyafuko Dori where I spent tens of thousands of years -it was at the midst of my early thirties too. Probably after three years it was closed down abruptly.
Then 'Off Broadway' opened -it was actually slightly before 'The Big Apple' was closed that the original 'Off Broadway' was opened, then moved, current one is the third premises. We had 'The Dark Room' at the same period, now moved though. The Dark Room is famous for its butterfly design, if you were here in town you would probably easy to find the place because of the mark. Ask where the butterfly sign to any foreigners here, if they are not newbies they would probably take you to the place.
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1:52 am
Three Famous Bars in FukuokaI should say three famous foreigner's bars in Fukuoka, but I have to add that there are other famous ones, I wanna explain those later more. Basically I think it's famous because I used to frequently visited. Here are their lists -Off Broadway, The Happy Cock, The VooDoo Lounge. Now I must find their homepages .
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1:21 am
Where I LiveHere in Livejournal, we don't have to deal with serious matters, I wanted to explain where I live, here is a good image. Among many photos, I spent many hours in Oyafuko Dori, where lots of youngsters get together at weekends. I spent here throughout my thirties for ten years.
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Tuesday, October 18th, 2005
2:13 pm
Welcome BackIn Blogsphere my Journal of mercedo in Livejournal was enlisted, and Blogsearch in Google my Journal of mercedo was enlisted with the title Internet Celebrities.
This article was written here in 23rd of August this year-2005 first and reenried in for reference, originally I didn't mean to have anyone show or read my articles here, however at the age of the Internet, search engine can detect and their description lasts long.
Here is where my original was born. I put it back in the right place.
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2:05 pm
Internet CelebritiesWednesday, August 24, 2005Internet Celebrities Special Thanks to Marxist Hacker 42 If any of you used to visit site, you would notice there are some Slashdot celebrities, those apeared repeatedly in your journal, in a debate elsewhere in Slashdot. It was him who replied to me whatever comments I post so as if it were not for his courtesy, I would not be able to be one of slashdotters. I happened to have the same 'handlename' mercedo in Slashdot, Blogger, Livejournal. I will enhance my world in using all these stages -world stage indeed. Also special thanks to Morosoph. We had lengthy debate wherever we encountered either in my site or in his journal. I admit his uniqueness in the ways of thinkings, oftentimes I encountered difficulties in understanding him though. Some of my journals are directly responded to his many insightful comments. But for his journals & comments, my journal would have only ended up in a more humble one. Thank you very much. Marxist hacker 42, Morosoph and other Slashdot celebrities are also celebrities in the Internet. I hope they can be very famous in the near future, as well as I do.posted by mercedo 3:57 AM
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Teachers Run

mercedo's Journal (2554)
Teachers Run
2005.12.02 21:05
December comes. In our traditional name for December, we often say 'Teachers Run '. December is as busy as teachers run. I have to run, I'm running.

My Profile

Classical Music
Favourite Music
All Chopin's Works
Bach; Chaconne
Mozart; Piano Concerto K466
Schumann; Piano Concerto Op 54
Favourite Books
Shi Nai'an; Water Margin
All works of Sigmund Freud
All works of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
All major works of Karl Marx (Execpt for Das Kapital)
J.J. Rousseau; Social Contract
All major works of Descartes
Spinoza; Ethica
Plato; The Republic
Aristotle; Politics
Francis Bacon; Novum Organum
Melville; Moby Dick
Rimbaud; The Season in Hell
Lautreamont; The Songs of Maldoror
Jacques Derrida; Writings & Difference
Daniel Bell; The End Of Ideology

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Static II

Journal of mercedo (7294)

Thursday December 01, 2005
07:32 PM
Static II

Here's also a very static site.


Thursday December 01, 05
07:11 PM

This site is so static. Amazing.