Caught Up
mercedo's Journal (2554)
The Shield Of Electron
2005.12.28 8:42
This layer might be harmful to both spacecraft and its crews but at the same time more importantly this protects us from having unfavourable bio attacks from outer space. This is a shield of protection that has been keeping on nurturing our life system on the Earth.
A Magic Of Figure
2005.12.28 8:40
If 200 people were killed almost instantly after they were caught by avian flu, and all were healthy adult, and if 30000 people were dead after long struggle against the regular flu they caught and all were babies or elderlies, what are we supposed to think? Shouldn't we think that avian flu is more dangerous than regular flu?
Aids is contageous disease, if we paid great attention not to have contact with Aids patients especially in sexual way, we would not be likely to catch the disease. If we carefully evade having BSE contaminated beefs, we could greatly reduce the possibility of suffering from CJD. Aids and CJD are preventative, whether we caught them depends largely for our part.
However, avian flu is not preventative once it should spread, besides it can be transmissable through common birds.
We ought to try to find ways to suppress the disease in case it should be about to spread.
2005.12.28 7:11
When Commodore Perry came to Japan with 4 Black Ships in 1853, the population of speakers of Japanese language was larger than that of English speakers. 250 years later, the number of English speakers was by far more exceeding than that of Japanese speakers, probably more than ten times. That shows apparent generality of English.
The number of people this land can nourish was so limited and won't exceed than current 130 million, thinking of the future of this country, English has to be the first public language, this is the way our country survive in coming century.
Handle With Care
2005.12.28 7:08
Back in my high teens at age 15 - in early 1980s, I found yoga very effective to reach personal achievements of any kinds, but when I told about it to one of my classmates, he strongly refused to accept my advice. At that time still yoga was a pronoun of mysticism, and few books were dedicated to practical use. I mean many books were written in mystic way.
Time goes by sometime after I experienced yoga, people had gradually started admitting its effectiveness in their daily health care. I guess it was ten years later after I encountered it in first.
Yoga develops completely new perspective in our daily life, I hope it has to be dealt with extreme care.
Poison To Poison
2005.12.28 7:05
It's hard for us to tackle with influenza since they vary as time goes by. Back to Tamiflu, this one never show changes according as the influenze changes its character, type, shape. As to function, influenza is more advanced form than Tamiflu. New drug must vary in function according to the changes of the type of influenza, I believe new drug need to change its effectiveness along with the variation of flu. Variable flu in type to variable drug in effectiveness.
2005.12.24 8:04
From the university I graduated about 30% students went to goverment. I admit they worked very hard. But all of them had no sprit of criticism. They were not critical of established way of evaluation. As a matter of fact, they all counted for only little for me.
About 66.6% went to private companies, almost of all were big, well-known companies like Matsushita, Sony, Toyota, NTT, KDD, etc. but almost of all never learned in their college life, they were even worthy of any evaluation, they were even less valuable than government people. They were people much less charming, attractive. They were just very ordinary people.
Less than 3% people started business on their own. They were individualistic, ambitious, they never rely on anyone but themselves. Almost of all were a holder of aspirant, favourable character.
Less than 1% people would have been regarded as genius, but I had never met a genius in my college life.
Google is superior to Yahoo! in analytical sense while Yahoo! is more valuable in integral sense. Both search engines have unique characters on their own. I have no idea what Japanese ordinary business people dared to think of novel search engines other than Google and Yahoo!, though, one thing I can say definitely was that they were supposed to learn more back in their college life. It is their freedom to say something bold, but I tell you they know few.
American guys, please never hold any illusion. Almost all Japanese never accomplish other than what they were told to do.
2005.12.24 8:01
Today in Beppu -the biggest hotspring in Japan, while workers were diging on the road for some construction purposes, small explosion occurred, it seemed operating some machine caused fire into the natural gas leakeage abruptly emitted from the ground. It took several hours to extinguish, and still they have to keep on watering in order not to fire again. Fortunately nobody's hurt The activities of the Earth's underground is connected, though it was too local to appear in English news.
While I was just listening to TV, I came across the news, it was short and local. That is, I didn't watch the scene in TV. I didn't look for the source in the Internet before posting this comment.
If I were able to find a good link in Japanese language with picture, I would like to post it in
In general there are tens of thousands of news in Japanese in which only a part of them would be electronicised in the Internet in Japanese and/or translated into English news, consequently only main news in Japan appears in the Internet in English. If I found interesting domestic news and photos in the Internet, I would like to link to them with my explanation in English, though you were unable to understand the language -a sheet of picture tells a lot. We will even have more top listings in other media.
Strikingly similar incident occurred in a different place but similar latitude here in Japan almost simultaneously. A City of Oita is located internationally famous hotspring paradise Beppu and since this July the hotspring boring has been conducted in the field of Nakasone Hospital with the hope to find a good hotspring to make money essentially. But instead of finding a hotspring, they just find a natural gas leakeage and the fire in sequence.
At 8:30 a.m. on the 12th of December, as was usual the workers started operating the boring machine, for still unidetified reasons a fire started at the site by igniting the natural gas methane that abruptly erupted from a gap of the diametre 54 mm pipeline that dug into 370 m under the ground within a diametre 80 mm pipeline that dug into 800 m under the ground. At the beginning of the prior small explosions, they had 5-6 metre high fire columns. After 9 hours the fire was put down but the leakeage of methane and vapour had been there. Before 4 o'clock p.m. on the 14th of December, gas leakeage was put down by injecting mud water into the smaller pipeline, it took 55 hours after the fire.
I watched the scene in the local news, it was like a burnt small oil rig or well, shaft. I was unable to find a photo, though here is the link [] in Japanese. Probably you can only confirm the figures I mentioned above.
Peaceful Use for Giant Jerry Fish
2005.12.24 7:54
Usually in this season of the year -winter, we can see handful of giant jerry fish on the beach, usually 1 per 100 metres on the long (15 km) beach near here. There are many jerry fish at sea that appears after 15th of August every year. We can't enjoy swimming at sea for this reason in the late summer. I we were bit, the ichiness lasts for 7 or 8 years - I am the one who used to be bit by this behemoth, still I feel itchy for the wound I had several years ago, so keep away from contacting this sea animal. There are possibly three ways for utilisation. First one is for food, and the second is its poison -strong alchaloid called tagecine, which might be utilised for medical purposes. The last one would be for energy. Some giant jerry fish are known for generating electricity, the ampare is so small but the bolt is very strong. We might be able to make use of it for energy by collecting these creatures in a pool, etc.
Eight Horns
2005.12.24 7:51
Roche generated Tamiflu was based on the lengthy study how to make use of one of the Chinese medicines or additives for food -this is long believed to be effective to some form of cold, the name of it is Eight Horns. To have it directly does not prevent someone from having a cold but just feel excited, but the company extracted, concentrated the effective ingredients and made into pills and now this medicine is regarded as one of the most effective medicines for flus. There are many beliefs not only in the East but anywhere in the world. But to collect these information, utilise them and invent a new drug is a totally different thing. West overcame East.